22 April 2008

Can you smell what Barrack is cooking?

For the first time in my life I'm not particularly fond of any of candidates running for POTUS. Its kind of nice. Its like watching the Super Bowl when you don't care who wins. The election certainly isn't inconsequential but being emotionally detached allows for the necessary perspective to analyze this shit. In other words, I get to sit back and enjoy the show.

Part 1, The Phenom ain't ready for prime time. He's good on his feet but when he's scripted he sounds like every other con^H^H^H politician - phony.

Its old news by now that he stuck his foot in his mouth by calling his target audience bitter. Standard political pandering to his San Francisco audience, but you can't let that kind of shit get out now. Obama has had the media covering his back so far in his career but that may not last forever. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Barry. We all know there are skeletons in the closet (Ayers, Rezko).

When it happens, it will happen fast. Great post by Wretchard on Internet Storms.

Another classic rookie mistake

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I smell the kaka spewing from his mouth. Does that count?